Friday, May 31, 2013

Overdue Ramblings.

It has been a long time. For anyone still reading this, thanks. I have been doing alright. I have been busy mostly with school and work. It is so easy to get caught up with the things of this world and not take time to focus on what is truly important. I have let myself get caught up in things, good and bad, that I have allowed to be idols in my life. None of this has been intentional but that is the way these things work. I need focus more attention to my relationship with Christ and helping that grow. I have to do a better job of being in this world but not of this world. However, I don't want to isolate anyone either.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Where I Have Been and Where I Hope To Go

Shows you how little I have been blogging, the layout has changed completely since I was last online. Anyway, I have not forgotten about this or you guys, the three of you that read this blog. Being back in school has taken up a lot of my time yes but I have let myself drift away from the things that really matter. Now that the semester is over, I'm going to focus on my relationship with Christ and moving that forward. I have mentioned that my job has me working Sunday mornings so I am never at physically at church worshiping. Yes, I stay plugged in with other things but it is not the same as being there every week and worshiping together. I never wanted to be one of those "Sunday-only" Christians but I have realized how much not having that weekly contact affects my faith walk and how I grow in my relationship with Christ. One of the hard things about staying plugged in with my home church is that services are offered only on Sunday morning. At different times but all before 12pm. That is the case with a lot of churches around here and it is very frustrating. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I'm not the only believer in town that can't go to church on Sunday mornings but still want to have a time to worship with other believers, not just for fellowship but for teaching of the word. I am exaggerating a little bit. There are churches that have night services but none of them are downtown. Since I don't have a car and the bus system is not running on Sunday, I am limited in my options. When I found out this little church that meets down the street from school and work was having evening services, I was so excited! I had been to other services of this church before and never felt 100% connected. It wasn't about denominational differences (I see myself as a Christian first, a Methodist second) or superficial differences, in regards to worship style. However, I had been saying that I wanted to have a chance to go to church, so here it is. I really enjoyed the message and everyone was really nice. It is forcing me out of my comfort level but that is not necessarily a bad thing. I was invited to bible study, and it was nice to meet new people. Viewpoints of certain members are different from my own but, again, that is not necessarily a bad thing. I was reminded of the chapter in Acts that talk about the importance of the fellowship with other believers. It is not just having someone to hangout with and laugh with. It is about being with someone who I can be honest with and they can be honest with me. It is someone that I can learn from and with. I do have those people in my life but we have kind of drifted apart as we have allowed life to get in the way. Actually, as I write this, I realize that I need to work on reconnecting with those people. Anyway, I realize as I get further in my faith walk, I can't help but to have questions. Not questions that make me want to lose my faith but questions about understanding certain things. It probably doesn't help that I listen to not just my pastor at my church but pastors on TV and the internet, as well as other pastors in town. Granted, I use discernment and don't take everything at face value, especially if there is not any significant scriptural backing to go with it. Ultimately, everyone comes to the Word and their views of it differently. We are all human and the Lord gave us free will and a brains and reason. I believe He wants us to use those gifts wisely. I'm not saying that I know everything, far from it. I just don't want to be so set in my ways and be so dependent on what one person says and not stay open to different views. If nothing else, this makes me be more diligent about reading the bible myself. After all, if I don't read the bible myself, then I am just believing what someone is telling me. When it comes to my salvation, that is not something I want to leave in the hands of anyone but God. Oh, it's late, and I'm starting to ramble. I'll finish this later. Have a blessed one!

Monday, January 23, 2012

I'm Still Alive

Hi everyone! I know that it has been a very long time since I have posted. I'm okay. I've just been very busy. Much has happened since last we really spoke. The two major events were that I'm back in school and that I found a non-temporary job. I'm getting ready to start my second semester back in college next Monday. I'm so grateful to be back in school and I'm excited to see where things go. I want to study foreign languages this time (I've always been interested in different languages and cultures). I just started learning Spanish this past semester and I love it. This semester, I'm taking a French course for the first time in nine years. Spanish and French in the same semester. This will be interesting to say the least.

My job is working front desk at a hotel. Most of the time, I enjoy it. It is close to home (important since I don't have a car and often have to walk to work), it is close to school (helpful if I have go to work from school, which is actually pretty rare), and the schedule works great with my school one (weekends only, sometimes I cover for sometimes I will cover for someone during the week). The only major issue is that I have to work every Sunday morning so I am never at church. I never realized how much going to church meant to me until I was never going any more. I knew when I got the job that this was the schedule but still, it sucks at times. I miss that time of corporate worship. I miss that time of fellowship. I miss that since of accountability. This is something that I have had some trouble coming to complete terms with.

Enough about me though. How are you?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Adventures and Experiences

I have been blessed so much in the last few weeks that it is overwhelming. I have a new job (I'm working at the front desk of a local hotel). I'm working this in addition with my job with the baseball team. And I've been accepted to Salem College so in the fall, I will be going back to school. Have you ever felt so overwhelmed but in a good way? All of these good things are happening all at once that you don't know what to do?

But yet, I wonder who God will use me in my new position because I have to work Sunday mornings. Obviously, that means I won't be able to go to church services. But every time I think of it, I immediately think back to the mantra of my former church in Asheville, "Don't JUST GO to church, BE the church!" Maybe this is an opportunity to truly put my faith in action and be His hands and feet to people that would not experience Him otherwise. Thankfully, I will still be involved with my women's group and the young adults group and other things so I will still be involved and have that connection. But I'm going to miss that community and the chance to gather together in worship.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Lenten Prayer I Stumbled Across

A lenten prayer

Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ indwelling in them.

Fast from emphasis on differences; feast on the unity of all life.

Fast from apparent darkness; feast on the reality of light.

Fast from words that pollute; feast on phrases that purify.

Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude.

Fast from anger; feast on patience.

Fast from pessimism; feast on optimism.

Fast from worry; feast on trust.

Fast from complaining; feast on appreciation.

Fast from negatives; feast on affirmatives.

Fast from unrelenting pressures; feast on unceasing prayer.

Fast from hostility; feast on nonviolence.

Fast from bitterness; feast on forgiveness.

Fast from self-concern; feast on compassion for others.

Fast from personal anxiety; feast on eternal truth.

Fast from discouragement; feast on hope.

Fast from facts that depress; feast on truths that uplift.

Fast from lethargy; feast on enthusiasm.

Fast from suspicion; feast on truth.

Fast from thoughts that weaken; feast on promises that inspire.

Fast from idle gossip; feast on purposeful silence.

Gentle God, during this season of fasting and feasting, gift us with your presence

so we can be a gift to others in carrying out your work.

Amen. William Arthur Ward (1921-1994)

(American author, educator, motivational speaker)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Interesting Statement

I'm borrowing this from my friends Jeanette and Kenny. They both have this posted on their Facebooks, and this is a very powerful statement. It very much goes against the grain of most Evangelicals but I totally agree with it. If we are not living our lives for Christ and showing how much of a difference He does make, why would anyone who is not a follower be interested in knowing Him? We can evangelize to the cows come home and lasso Christ around people and drag them into the fold. But until they realize that it is a one-on-one relationship and see proof of that in His followers, it will be all for nothing really.

I have no desire to bring people to Christ. I want to live and love in a way I bring Christ to people.

I believe us Christians are missing the point, it is not about saving lives, leading people to Christ, or trying to bring people into church. If you can't love for the sake of loving then stop doing everything else until you can.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope your 2011 is better than your 2010 was. May you continue to grow in His word and become the person He wants you to be.